Education for health

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Every year, 700.000 people die in Europe and in the USA from sudden cardiac death followed by unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It is already scientifically proven that if the rate of bystander CPR will increase, then 200,000 more lives could be saved. The international guidelines recommend 2 hours per year of training, starting at the age of 121.
That is where we come in! Our goal is to obtain in children the skills necessary to save lives. Our trainers are following the European Resuscitation Council protocols and aim to make a difference between a passive attitude towards an emergency situation and active involvement in saving a life.

In the future, we plan to tackle through our clases several topics including hygiene, nutrition or even sexual education and thus developing a mentality and a lifestyle in the young generation based on prevention..

1“Kids Save Lives” Statement endorsed by the World Health Organization in 2015